Content and Staying True to My Goals
I've always wanted a place, a website for example that hosts my favorite, tried and true recipes without having to surf through the stories. Being interested in writing or blogging, I understand the desire to share the story behind the recipe or what inspired the recipe or to just say how much everyone loved it.
Any readers will find that here, but always separate. If I post a recipe, which I hope to do more and more, whatever accompanying writing I feel compelled to share, it will always link to the recipe on a separate page, rather than make someone read through my writing, or swipe up past it.
In that spirit, I've posted the pie from yesterday's entry, here.
As for what else to write about, I'm thinking. When establishing the site, I made pages for coding and dance. Since the pandemic started, I haven't been able to dance in my class, although I did do pure Barre on Beachbody online. As for coding, I have projects that I want to do and share, probably best one through GitHub but likely with a summary of goals here somewhere. My older son, CJ is interested in making his own videogames, so I'm working on a way to help him achieve that goal. He's still learning to read and write but I'm encouraging any interests he has.
Also, the pie was delicious. I may have eaten many slices for dinner. I'm still anxiously awaiting response from Quantic on the eMBA program. I'm very excited and enjoyed going through all the fundamentals.