

Welcome to my blog. I enjoy cooking, baking, dancing and raising my sons.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Another year, come and gone!

I know most people in the world can’t wait for 2020 to be over. All things considered, pandemic aside, it was a good year for my family. I was able to thankfully keep my job and start to really understand how to thrive in it. Learn all about the fundamentals of finance, to the point that I became incredibly excited about earning an executive MBA. I’ll find out soon (January 7th) if I have the privilege of joining the Cohort starting in February with Quantic.

I’m going to start a bulletjournal again regardless of acceptance. Bulletjournaling has been a successful practice for me in the past, I appreciate the rapid logging and the planning fundamentals. I’m looking forward to using it for notes, in addition to the iPad programs I’ve been using to draft blog posts.

I had some delicious apple pie cocktail this week, my friends at another biopharm company had made drink kits for their end of year celebration and they passed along the recipes to me. I’ll link it tomorrow, both original source and the changes I made.

My incredibly talented friend made me a tumbler cup. I love it so much. I’m so excited how much he’s doing for his business and I’m happy to support him through advertising and the like.

What else… oh right, those mysterious monoliths. I’m a little obsessed with them as a fun and humorous “what else can 2020 whip up” type of event. The same friend who made me the tumbler had some melty snow in their yard and I couldn’t help but suggest that he might have had a monolith issue.

I’m playing with all sorts of image related software, today’s blog post uses unfold to mesh together some cute images. I’m still trying to figure out the balance of my instagram page that’s linked here. I wish I had managed to keep it separate from folks but a lot of people found it. Not sure I’m ready for people who know me in real life to be reading me here yet, or at least not while I find my voice.

EMBA Candidate!

EMBA Candidate!

Does Everyone Keep a Tab Record?

Does Everyone Keep a Tab Record?