

Welcome to my blog. I enjoy cooking, baking, dancing and raising my sons.

On 2018 Challenges

On 2018 Challenges

As I endeavor to cook and share more, I'm working my way through the challenges. I'm on Reddit a lot, far more than I probably should be for productivity (find me at /u/avocadotoastblog) but Reddit can be great for challenging yourself and leaving your comfort zone.

While I've been getting this blog set up, I've been making sure to hit my challenges. Some recipes I'll be linking in to the recipe page through this site for easy access and some (the ones that aren't mine) I'll simply link to through blog posts, unless the creator specifies I can post the recipes here.

I'm also participating in a cooking club with some women I've been talking to since getting pregnant with my son. We all wanted to cook more and try diverse meals, we've done two of these so far.

Little Hill with Horns

